Portrait of A Wanderer by Will Mayo

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(for Robert)

"Only the strong survive."

with apologies to Robert W. Service.

Hobnobbed about a thousand points of light,

he wandered among them,

seeking something from each.

One offered shelter.

Another offered food.

Still another offered a word or two

in the ways of a lost spirit.

To each,

he left a part of himself,

a few pieces crying carefully in the rain.

For the minister,

he gave his soul,

one carefully chosen confession at a time.

For a side of beef,

he gave his heart, quietly.

No questions were asked.

His brain was donated to

a row of pennies,

stacked one by one.

The back, the legs had to wander;

no matter the cost.

While the best of lies and the worst of truths

was the art he suffered for

in the role of many another.

Still, every now and then, just once in a while,

he would look up in the sky,

enjoy the fireworks.

He always did like a good show.

Will Mayo

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