Happy birthday Jasmine
In a couple of days, it was Jasmine’s birthday. Ayush decided to throw a surprise party for her. He included Karanvir and Shruti (who was Jasmine’s friend) in his plan. A day before the birthday Jasmine did not came to College. This was perfect for Ayush and company as they worked on the plans for the surprise. “But bro what would happen if she do not turn up tomorrow”, asked Karanvir. So, they made a plan that Shruti would message Jasmine that they have a unit test the next day and hence she would be forced to come to the college. If Jasmine messages anyone else, everybody will say that there is a test.
They did this by creating a group on WhatsApp and the message was sent to everybody in the class. The trio, Ayush, Karanvir and Shruti, planned to make this day one of the most memorable days for Jasmine.
The plan went like; Both Ayush and Karanvir will not wish her till she comes to the college. Then Shruti will take Jasmine along and will bring her to Room No. 120, which in most of the cases was empty. Karanvir and Ayush would reach college at 8:30 and would finalize all the settings. The only thing good in the college canteen was the Macaroni Samosa and that, along with the birthday cake and two bottles of coke would already be there in the room before Jasmine will arrive.
The clock stuck twelve. Ayush was so desperate to call Jasmine at that time, but as per their plan, he was not supposed to wish her. So, he instead, gave a call to Karanvir. “Jab aur koi kaam nahin aata, tab dost hi kaam aata hain yaar”, Ayush said. “Bhai I guess you love her, kabhi mujhe wish karne ke liye toh itna bechain nahin hua tu”. Ayush replied, “Bro, don’t know about love shove, but yes I do like her, there are times when I only think about her like today I want to be the first one to wish her but because of the plan I have not wished her”. “Bhai, not to worry, will make this birthday the best one for Jasmine, so just go to bed, dreaming about bhabhi ji”, Karanvir said in a lively tone and cut the phone. Calling your best friend’s girlfriend as bhabhi ji is the Indian way of expressing your friendship.
“On one hand he says that he is my best friend and on the other hand, he has not even wished me on my birthday, let him meet me today, I won’t talk to him”. These were Jasmine’s reaction as she, along with Shruti took a rickshaw from Rajendra Place Metro Station for the College. Shruti was somehow controlling her laughter and smiles. During their whole journey of about fifteen minutes, Jasmine was busy on her phone, replying to all the wishes which she had received last night. Some of her relatives called her to wish her happy birthday. Soon both the girls were inside the college, where many students wished her. “That’s the power of Facebook; even strangers know that it’s your birthday, but the one who claim to be your best friend don’t even remember it” , these were the reactions of Jasmine as she was so annoyed at Ayush for not wishing her.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear jasmine, happy birthday to you”, Ayush and Karanvir sang in chorus as Shruti brought Jasmine to Room No.120 on the pretext that their Business Law Professor would be taking the exam in this room only. Ayush and Karanvir wrote “Happy Birthday Jasmine” on the black board in block letters and Ayush wrote some lines on the black board for Jasmine, which went like this, “You are the reason I smile and why our love thrives across the miles. I wish this birthday be the happiest and most memorable for you.”
Jasmine was almost in tears after reading those lines. But Ayush had something else in store for her too. He presented her with a collage and a message was written underneath every pic. Jasmine who, a moment back, was cursing Ayush for not wishing her, now hugged him really tight and said thanks to him for making this day so special for her. Then, Karanvir brought in the cake; Jasmine blew the candles and again the three of them sang the birthday song for her. As expected, Jasmine put the first piece of cake in Ayush’s mouth and Karanvir was busy clicking pictures from his IPhone. Then it was Ayush’s turn and he rubbed the whole cake over Jasmine’s face as Shruti and Karanvir also joined him.
Then Karanvir brought in samosas from the college canteen, which was a thorough delight for all of them. As they were enjoying the samosas, Ayush said, “Jasmine, we all wanted to throw a party at some cafĂ© or lounge but we did not had the required bucks to arrange such a party, sorry for that yaar”. “Pata hai, this party was even better than a party at Maurya Sheraton or Taj; thank you so much guys for making this day so memorable and Ayush, it’s not about the place yaar, it’s all about the people that makes you feel so special. I will cherish these memories all through my life. Ayush could have easily proposed Jasmine at that moment but he did not wanted to do it in front of two other people as he wanted it be to a private affair. So, he waited for the right opportunity and soon that moment arrived.
The second year was about to start. Ayush had already developed feelings for Jasmine. Every time he used to think about her, the moments they had spent together; making projects, those discussions, the movies they saw together at the Liberty Cinema, the rolls they ate at Art of Spices. He always waited for her to come online on WhatsApp so that he can chat with her. It seemed as if Jasmine was equally interested in him. Karanvir also realized this fact so he gave them the much needed privacy. Things were going perfect between them. Ayush was thinking of proposing Jasmine on the coming Valentine’s Day. He asked Karanvir how he could make that special moment even more special. “Dude, you are a writer man’, work out those magical lines; trust me, your lines don’t fail Ayush” said Karanvir. “Bro, it’s not about the lines, I am more worried thinking what if she does not approve of this relationship; I cannot afford her to lose her a friend dude. Imagining my life without her sight is next to impossible for me”. Ayush was looking a little worried. “Bro, she loves you too, anybody could see that; it is in her eyes, whenever you are not around her, she looks so worried. You just concentrate and work on the lines. Work on the lines in Punjabi only. “Dil di gal Punjabi vich hi changi lagdi hain. Saanu vekh, jedi kudi pasand aandi hain, oh ya tey senior houndi hai, ya committed. Before she also gets committed with someone else, go and tell her your feelings”, said Karanvir. And Ayush decided to propose her on the coming Valentine’s Day.
You may be the biggest writer of this world but when it comes to drafting those few special lines even Khushwant Singh or Ruskin Bond would find it difficult writing those. So, approximately, half of the register was used before the final words were penned down. Karanvir checked the Punjabi and after spending around two hours, the lines were finalized. And then Ayush eagerly waited for Valentine’s Day.
“Tussi hasde ho saanu Hasaan vaaste, tussi ronde yo saanu rovaan vaaste, Ik vaar rus ke ta vekho sohneyo, marr jaavange tuhanu manaan vaaste”.
“Jo asar hai akh di maar andar, oh na teer te na talwar andar, oh nu rab nu labh ki lena hai, jisne labh leya teri akh andar”
Ayush practiced those lines in front of the mirror minimum ten times. Those were the most important lines of his life. And suddenly he received a message from Jasmine which went like, “Hi, want to talk about something really important, hope you are coming to the college tomorrow. Will wait for you at the college stairs.” Ayush just replied with a yes and with a smiley. But Ayush was now even more excited. He started thinking, “What was she looking to talk about, maybe she also likes me; after all its Valentine’s Day tomorrow, what else would she look to talk about. It cannot be about future plans or important notes, no it just cannot be”. Thousands of thoughts were pouring in Ayush’s mind. He could not sleep the whole night, was just wondering about the next day, which was the Valentines’. What would happen if she does not approve of our relationship? Finally, in the midst of all such crazy thoughts, Ayush felt asleep.
Jasmine was looking very pretty that day, wearing a gap top and sporting it with black denims. The way Ayush liked, she kept her hair open that day too. When Ayush saw her, he thought that the deal was secure and that Jasmine also liked her. And then, he sat next to her. The rest of the conversation and the moments changed their lives forever.
“Oh hi Jasmine!! You are looking really beautiful today. Is there something special?” Ayush asked her. That was Ayush’s style; first he would complement Jasmine and then when she would blush, he will deliver those lines which he wrote exclusively for her.
But this time, Jasmine did not blush. Instead, she took her phone out of the pocket and showed some photographs to Ayush. Those were the pictures of Jasmine’s Roka Ceremony which took place the day before. She looked ravishing in a pink salwar suit. She then told Ayush that the guy’s name was Yuvi, who was her father’s best friend’s son. Ayush saw the photograph in which both of them were sitting together in a gurudwara, with both their family members sitting behind them. She then told Ayush that he was the first friend of her whom she told about her Roka.
Ayush was shocked. He did not know how to react. He took a long and deep breath and somehow managed to control his emotions. Jasmine was still waiting for his reactions. Deep down, he was crying but he showed a happy face. He congratulated her and said that their pair looked perfect. Then he took out a ring from his pocket and put it on Jasmine’s index finger. “Today is Valentines’ Day Jasmine and Valentine’s Day is all about love. Our friendship is all about love; I enjoyed every moment I spent with you. Whenever you feel that you are in any trouble and you need a friend, this ring would remind you that there is one such person who can do anything for you. It does not matter how many moments we spent together in our lifetime, but those moments which I shared with you were the best and will always be the best moments of my life. So, please gorgeous, kindly accept this ring as a token of our friendship”, said Ayush. “Ab rulayega kya pagle”, Jasmine said to him while accepting the ring.
“You are a special friend Ayush, that’s why you are the first friend to whom I am disclosing this fact. I have not even told my high school buddy about this, and yes those moments which I spent with you will always remain special for me too”, said Jasmine. Then, Ayush gave her an excuse that he will have to leave early that day since his dad had some work and he will have to accompany him. He told her, “Milte hain kal dost, will see you tomorrow”.
Jasmine accompanied him till the college gate. As soon as Jasmine was out of his sight, Ayush’s tears rolled out. Who say that boys don’t cry; its’ just that they somehow control their emotions and cry when no one is seeing them. And this is exactly what Ayush did.
He had those big tears in his eyes which he wiped and reached back home. Karanvir called him in the evening to ask why he left for home so early. Ayush told him the reason. Karanvir asked Ayush to calm down and that he would find someone else (Men will be Men!!). But deep inside, Karanvir also knew that Ayush was heartbroken and Jasmine was irreplaceable for Ayush. But, he was just feeling helpless. Sometimes the situations just take better of you.
Gurkaran Singh
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