One Day Among The Sands By Will Mayo

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Once again I remember that time I’d been out wandering about the tumbleweeds and decided to hitch a ride home. I crawled out through the barbed wire fence that bordered the desert, put my thumb out, and no sooner would bad luck have it than some California patrol car comes roaring along, sirens blazing, and pulls up beside me along the highway. A long tall redneck cop got out of the car and then asked me:

What are you doing? Don’t you know that it’s unlawful to hitchhike?”

Without waiting for an answer he then asked:

Who are you? Where did you come from?”

I am who I am. I came from there,” I said and then waved a hand back at the desert.

He looked me up and down in my dirty old smelly Fredericktowne clothes and said:

Then get back in the desert, you fool!”

He then chased me back through the fence and on into the desert. I wandered about a while. Eventually, I would find my way back home. It would just be a matter of time. But then everything does. Take time, I mean.

Will Mayo
