Book Review: The Slip of Me by Akhand Singh

The story revolves around Vikram, who is portrayed as a shy and silent character.He is a teenager, studying in Christ Church School and is quite interested in football.Raghu and Joe are his best friends.The plot is set up in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh. The story is narrated in first person from Vikram's point of view.

Vikram falls for Jessica,his Chemistry tuition teacher's daughter.  At first,he found it difficult to accept his true feelings for Jessica until Jessica herself accepted her feelings for Vikram.Since then,love was in the air. Without understanding the true meaning of love, Vikram does everything he could have done in love. He didn't know it was a nine's day wonder.

'The Slip of me' tries to re-define the true meaning of love.  Friendship is as important as love,this is what we get to know from Vikram's story. The transformation Vikram brings about him is something to be appreciated of.  Vikram says,after realizing the real worth of friendship- ' I guess it is the right thought that friends can change your life, they can motivate you and support you like nobody else.'  The title of the novel is justified with the story. However, the language used is very simple. So, it does not challenges a reader's way of understanding.

'There was something about our friendship, even when we did not meet every day or even for months,we always remained best of friends and were always there in times of need.'
And ,the novel ends with the happy note.

My rating-3/5
