POEMS by Will Mayo

That Fire, That Desire


Will Mayo

Speak to me with your heart, he says.

Gladly, she says, and lays it at his feet.

They have all night. And it burns, burns...




Will S. Mayo

When the land of the make believe becomes confused
With that of the living,
And the river of imagination overflows its banks
As the moon draws forth the strongest tides,
Then shall the one that I have lost
Rise up before me like an echo of that long ago wind.
We shall hold hands among the reeds,
Wade in deep among our mutual dreams
And embrace each other with the love
That no man could break
Save that of waking from the deepest sleep.
My beloved shall then be mine
For a forever that lasts only a fitful bed of ashes
After the angel’s horn.
Let us come then, beware the dawn,
And cast all our love between the banks
Of that awful river of dreams.
To dream and to dream of you,
There is nothing greater, nor more welcome

But for the turning back of the clock.


Case No. 180757


Will Mayo

He holds his lantern in one hand,
his poor ragged clothes glistening in the night.
His other hand held tightly in his pocket,
he calls out to every car
that passes through the gate:
Mr. President, is that you?”
Finally, as a long, black limousine
drives through the open door
he rushes out of his hiding place,
bangs on the windows,
speaks in incorrigible tones.
When at last they take him away
his words are full of envy and admiration.


When Words Have Turned To Sand


Will Mayo

When words have dried up
and turned to sand.
And we are all left wondering
from where they came
and where they have gone.
When angels have cast their net
over my shoulder,
and I have danced
on the heads of countless needles.
The enchantment of the ages
gone once more from my dream.
When reason no longer clouds my mind
and time has turned its axis round
to count the memories once more.
Then I shall live in one day
and one day only,
and count your embrace among the stars
as time pours its silver chalice
upon a soul content.


Staring At Wild Eyes


Will Mayo

On the street people are talking.
On the walks people are staring.
They can't help but look and talk and stare
about the crippled man with wild eyes.
His eyes are brown and blue and black
(and within the haze of a hot day
eyes turn yellow and orange
and a red that weeps).
One leg tilts to the hip in a curious fashion
so that he limps and dances and pirouettes
like a piper caught on a string.
And his hair is matted with the dust of a thousand years
(all contained in the eon of a day and one long year).
He cannot be a bank president or the head of Tires R Us.
Nor can he will the government to movie in a new direction.
The dust treads his wrinkled shoes
as he passes through one more town
and the crowd stops and stares in another moment
for a lifetime of eternal gratitude.


Eyes of Passage


Will Mayo

Passersby walk to the other side
of the boulevard.
Drivers speed
as they quickly roll their windows,
lock their doors.
All are wary
of the wild eyed man
who mutters as he walks.
Skipping stones,
counting the cracks in the sidewalks,
He curses underneath his breath.
His clothes are well worn
yet immaculately selected.
Hardly a crease to worry by.
He gazes now at the sky,
now and then breaking the epithets
with a sonata so fine.
Women and young children
are afraid of him.
Old men simply forget he is there.
While the jeers from the time between
leave little to the thought.
When the roadway peters out
to dusty alley,
he makes way
to pretend he is at home.
