Title : The Epic Mahabharata - Book 1 - The Children of Midnight
Author: Ashok Banker
Blurb of the book : The seeds of war have been planted and the world is on the brink of the greatest of all battles.
First in Ashok Banker’s The Epic Mahabharata series, The Children of Midnight explores the home of the illustrious Kuru dynasty, which has just welcomed two new sons – Dritarashtra and Pandu. Cursed with unfortunate afflictions from the moment they are born, the two nevertheless grow up to be skillful young princes. As the wicked Jarasandha plots to seize their empire, they must prove their mettle and fight for their lives – and their legacy.
Meanwhile, in distant Bhoja, a young Kunti sacrifices her youth – and her heart – to appease the wrath of Sage Durvasa. And his reward for her service inextricably links her fate with that of the entire Kurujangala.
Delving into the youthful lives of the forerunners of the powerful Pandava and Kaurava dynasties, India’s epic storyteller is back with a magically woven and beautifully narrated series that is just as gripping as the ones before it.
Ashok Banker, bestselling author and screenwriter, has sold over two million copies and been published in 18 languages in 58 countries. He is credited with the resurgence of mythology in Indian publishing with epic series like Ramayana and Krishna Coriolis.
My View : The first time I heard the title of the book it seemed pretty familiar, and then it suddenly clicked me- The Midnight Children- Salman Rushdie.It is not a sin to have a similar title of a popular book, but a different title would be a better choice to not to mislead readers.As Ashok K. Banker is himself a popular personality in the literary world, the titles of his books are supposed to be unique and different from those available in the market.
The writing style adopted by the author is guarded by the charisma of chosen words.His writing style is something which readers nowadays look for.Adorn with magnificent articulation and counting his experience and proficiency in the literature world, his words are soothing to the mind.
The Children of Midnight lets reader explore those strings of Mahabharata not many readers are aware of.So, the story itself becomes a rejuvenating journey brewing reader's mind and soul at the same time.Once the reader starts the journey, he/she would get into a different world created by the author.The reader could very much relate to the characters and feel their presence along with.
If you are lured by Ashok K. Banker's titles, then this book should definitely come into your reading list.But is you haven't read Ashok's work yet, and have interest in the same genre, then you should definitely try Ashok's books, and must start with this book.
The writing style adopted by the author is guarded by the charisma of chosen words.His writing style is something which readers nowadays look for.Adorn with magnificent articulation and counting his experience and proficiency in the literature world, his words are soothing to the mind.
The Children of Midnight lets reader explore those strings of Mahabharata not many readers are aware of.So, the story itself becomes a rejuvenating journey brewing reader's mind and soul at the same time.Once the reader starts the journey, he/she would get into a different world created by the author.The reader could very much relate to the characters and feel their presence along with.
If you are lured by Ashok K. Banker's titles, then this book should definitely come into your reading list.But is you haven't read Ashok's work yet, and have interest in the same genre, then you should definitely try Ashok's books, and must start with this book.
Rating : 4.5/5
Reviewer : Shweta Kesari
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