Review of When Karma Goes Upside Down

Title : When Karma Goes Upside Down

Author : Dishant Huria

Blurb of the book : Karma has a wicked sense of humour.
All we can do is laugh when it’s our turn.

By day, Aarush is struggling to get admission in a reputed college for his Master’s degree; by night, he is a technical support man working in a call centre. His lady love plans the most unexpected surprise gift on their fourth love-anniversary – a break-up! In trying to accept that she is gone, he bumps into several girls and an older woman who fascinates him no end. Will she be the anchor he has been waiting for? Or is this also a part of his never-ending quest to understand love, relationships, career and friendship? Moving to a new city, finding new friends, getting beaten by the police and experimenting with life in general – he does everything.Join Aarush as he tries – by hook or by crook – to find a way into love and happiness When Karma Goes Upside Down.

My View : Nowadays, break-ups are a part of every next-guy's life. And what happens after that, either one gets hooked to another one or drown into the pool of depression. Aarush's story is comprised of the later one. His story tells that side of the human life which many of the youngsters can relate to.

This story has nothing new to tell to readers, but many-broken hearts can relate to the story of Aarush. Such phases of life are one of the turning phases of life, either they can make you or break you. Dishant pens the story in a simpler way, no unnecessary glitters and no unwanted content. But, the story can be told by keeping the different segments of protagonist's life in a balanced way. His success story also needs an equal space as that of his struggle story.

If you are looking for a story that can tell you something different and new, then this book is surely not written for you. This book is for the readers who love to spend time with light-reads.

There are some minor grammatical errors in the book, but that is up to the editor to take care.

Key Points :

  • Fast paced
  • Light read

Rating : 3/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari
