Review of Demons in my Mind

Title : Demons in my Mind

Author : Aashish Gupta

Blurb of the book : Are crimes and mental illness related?
Is your mind under your control?
Is your life an illusion created by you?

Dakshesh, an old man in Sirubari village suffering from cancer, wishes to be released from excruciating pain. His journey takes him to the three monks, known for miraculous healing and life transformation. He discovers they are no saints, but hardened criminals. The three monks - Rizwan, Murli, Joseph - narrate stories of unprecedented savagery that would make even the most cold-hearted criminals look down with shame. 

The dark stories of the three monks leave Dakshesh gasping, but there is something about their dishonorable lives that relieves Dakshesh from his pain.

My View : The book is written keeping in mind what readers out in the world is in need of ; a food for mind. Usually, all books are considered as food for mind. But the sort of novels available in the market these days can't be called as such.

The plot basically focuses on how our mindset can affect ourselves and our life.The story poses so many questions about the human world and its nuances that can leave reader ponder over them for a while, and that's where lies it's impact on the reader's mind.

Story leaves a lasting impact on reader's mind. In my mind, I was keep on thinking over some touching facets of the story even after completing the book. The book is a complete package of surprises till the first part of the story ends, and the reader cannot hold to read another stories even if the charm of them decreases as he/she moves ahead, just to find if author has kept something more surprising in store for the readers.

The only glitch I have from the book is it's graph. It's graph went down as it reaches towards the end. The first story increases reader's expectations to such an extent, that the other two faded in the dark. It was not that bad but when one get served with something delicious then the ordinary dish in the plate is sure to be doomed.

All other factors required in a novel are very well handled : writing style, articulation and stitching of the facets.

Rating : 4.3/5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari
