Review of When Love Happens

Title: When Love Happens

Author: Manish Kumar

Blurb: True love never dies. It is redefined every time you feel it. When Nish falls in love, little does he know the impact it is going to have on his life? Hailing from conservative backgrounds, love is nothing less than war with the world for the lover and his beloved. Albeit limited communication, they still dare to dream of a life together. But with the pressure of attaining stability in life, he finds it impossible to chase his dreams endlessly. An unassuming man from a modest background, he fights helplessness and challenges thrown at him by life, only to learn precious life lessons. His faith in God gives him the strength to move on and find his calling in writing and poetry. When Love Happens... is a tale of shattered dreams and redemption, of fear and fortitude and above all, of the indomitable human will.

My View: 

True Love! What is it? Does that ever happen to anyone nowadays? Not Sure! Manish through his debut, let you have a sneak-peak to the world of Nish, his hardships and his true love. The love that Nish carries in his heart for her beloved shows what true love is. A selfless and pure love. When you seek someone's love, you would realize after reading this one, that it is not about seeking, it is all about giving.

One could think of a great plot, but it doesn't make sense when one is not able to do justice with the same. I've read few stories where story-line is exceptional but the author is not able to put his thoughts in an engaging way. Reading this book, makes me wonder what makes one an author. The way he writes, the way he gels with the reader. Do the story-line matters more than the way it is being told? I don't think so because I could hear a story several times if it is told by someone who can stir life into it. Manish definitely stirs her heart and life to this character, Nish.

When I completed reading this book, the two words that were shouting in my head was - sober and honest.There's a reflection of Innocence in each of Manish's words. Every part of the story seemed real and directly from the heart that one can easily gauge the involvement of heart into it.Looking on the basis of the storyline, you won't find anything new, but if you are looking for a story coming directly from a heart, you can pick this book up.

Rating: 3.7/5

Reviewer: Shweta Kesari
