Title: The Tree With A Thousand Apples
Author: Sanchit Gupta
Inspired by true events, this riveting narrative traces the lives of Safeena Malik, Deewan Bhat and Bilal Ahanagar, three childhood friends who grow up in an atmosphere of peace and amity in Srinagar, Kashmir, until the night of 20 January 1990 changes it all.
While Deewan is forced to flee from his home, Safeena’s mother becomes ‘collateral damage’ and Bilal has to embrace a wretched life of poverty and fear. The place they called paradise becomes a battleground and their friendship struggles when fate forces them to choose sides against their will.
Twenty years later destiny brings them to a crossroads again, when they no longer know what is right and what is wrong. While both compassion and injustice have the power to transform lives, will the three friends now choose to become sinful criminals or pacifist saints?The Tree with a Thousand Apples is a universal story of cultures, belongingness, revenge, and atonement. The stylized layered format, fast-paced narration, and suspenseful storytelling make for a powerful, gripping read.
My Views:
'The tree with a Thousand Apples', a story that could take you to a journey where life defines itself. The classy look that it provides made me attracted towards the book. I get very few chances to feel hardcovers in my hands. Hardcovers have its own magic! I haven't rated this book for all the physical assets of the book, but this book has more to appeal your heart and your soul.
To me, this was not just a story, it was more of a realization that no one is wrong. We couldn't say who is wrong or who is right. Those who say are aware of the story of one side. The story of the other side always remains behind the curtain for some! This is one such story that blesses you with an altogether new experience. Words are chained in such a mystic way that one can see flashes of happenings peeking from them.His words witness frills of moments carved together.
I have seen movies based on this theme but never had a chance to read a book on this theme. And when I had, I completely fell for it. All the details that fly in the book with great poise won my heart.The way Sanchit has juxtaposed events of life brought a new sense of everything that happens in our life is for a reason, even the smallest episode. It gives an insight to a message that it is the people who are wrongdoers, pulling a caste into it is a meek decision, which could be easily taken. Hence, acclaimed many minds!
The characters felt very real, and every inch of the story touched the depth of my heart. The simplicity is the key-point of the story. With each detail that our author provides, I could simply walk hand-in-hand with the author. There was a certain amount of excitement attached to the complete journey to know what will happen next. The characters are so strong in nature, that one couldn't get out of their shoes for a good period of time. Stories are those, from one couldn't get out of them even after they are finished with the story. This is one such story. Some incidents home in my mind in such a way that they just roam around for a good time.
A thought-provoking story!
Rating: 4.8/5
Reviewer: Shweta Kesari
Author: Sanchit Gupta
Inspired by true events, this riveting narrative traces the lives of Safeena Malik, Deewan Bhat and Bilal Ahanagar, three childhood friends who grow up in an atmosphere of peace and amity in Srinagar, Kashmir, until the night of 20 January 1990 changes it all.
While Deewan is forced to flee from his home, Safeena’s mother becomes ‘collateral damage’ and Bilal has to embrace a wretched life of poverty and fear. The place they called paradise becomes a battleground and their friendship struggles when fate forces them to choose sides against their will.
Twenty years later destiny brings them to a crossroads again, when they no longer know what is right and what is wrong. While both compassion and injustice have the power to transform lives, will the three friends now choose to become sinful criminals or pacifist saints?The Tree with a Thousand Apples is a universal story of cultures, belongingness, revenge, and atonement. The stylized layered format, fast-paced narration, and suspenseful storytelling make for a powerful, gripping read.
My Views:
'The tree with a Thousand Apples', a story that could take you to a journey where life defines itself. The classy look that it provides made me attracted towards the book. I get very few chances to feel hardcovers in my hands. Hardcovers have its own magic! I haven't rated this book for all the physical assets of the book, but this book has more to appeal your heart and your soul.
To me, this was not just a story, it was more of a realization that no one is wrong. We couldn't say who is wrong or who is right. Those who say are aware of the story of one side. The story of the other side always remains behind the curtain for some! This is one such story that blesses you with an altogether new experience. Words are chained in such a mystic way that one can see flashes of happenings peeking from them.His words witness frills of moments carved together.
I have seen movies based on this theme but never had a chance to read a book on this theme. And when I had, I completely fell for it. All the details that fly in the book with great poise won my heart.The way Sanchit has juxtaposed events of life brought a new sense of everything that happens in our life is for a reason, even the smallest episode. It gives an insight to a message that it is the people who are wrongdoers, pulling a caste into it is a meek decision, which could be easily taken. Hence, acclaimed many minds!
The characters felt very real, and every inch of the story touched the depth of my heart. The simplicity is the key-point of the story. With each detail that our author provides, I could simply walk hand-in-hand with the author. There was a certain amount of excitement attached to the complete journey to know what will happen next. The characters are so strong in nature, that one couldn't get out of their shoes for a good period of time. Stories are those, from one couldn't get out of them even after they are finished with the story. This is one such story. Some incidents home in my mind in such a way that they just roam around for a good time.
A thought-provoking story!
Rating: 4.8/5
Reviewer: Shweta Kesari
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