Review of The Wild Cat

Title: The Wild Cat

Author: Taanya Sarma


Based on true events, this erotic thriller novel tells the tale of a young, naive woman named Tanya who enters the online dating and chat world. Her first foray into this digital realm initially proves to be bland and disappointing; however, sex, suspense, power struggles and attempted murder soon unfold. These unwelcome adventures interfere with her business and her sanity as she aspires to live up to her deceased parent's standards. 
A conman named Sam ensnares Aaron, a handsome investment banker, into his ploy and uses him as a pawn to lure women into doing things they normally wouldn't do. Sam then exposes their personal information as well as their images, sometimes in the act of cyber sex, and posts them on a very successful porn website that he owns. Tanya's encounter with these two men evolves into a long, winding road, with each turn bringing irreparable changes in her life. 
Enraged by the deceit and the unconscionable behavior of these men, Tanya turns whistleblower and vows to assist the FBI in shutting down the dating app and porn site - and she won't stop until the perverted perpetrators are behind bars. She never relents, but ultimately laments, "I never thought that I would have to give up my life to remain alive." 

My Views:

I was pretty excited to read Tanya's words as I'd heart about her debut from people around. Evident from its look, the cover design is exclusively attractive and to top it, the title seems equally catchy. I was more impressed by the physical appearance of the book. Typesetting, spacing, size everything is handled with great care and looks perfect. This is one thing that soothes my eyes to a great extent.

I was not much delighted with the theme of the book when I started reading this book, as I had expected much more from it. I was greeted with some usual stuff. It involved dating on apps, how people are more eager to satisfy their inner God using these apps. I've been through such content before, and I've read enough of such things, that I couldn't find any interest in this one. Plus, to me, this theme sounded a bit cliche, especially the first half. Albeit, the second half was all set to serve me something interesting.

There were episodes involving sexual chats that could interest someone who is into adult fiction. I was expecting the end to be more dramatic. It could be a great suspense-thriller combo if the plot could have been designed in a better way. The situations could be presented in such a way that the reader couldn't help but draw an 'O' of astonishment.

Undoubtedly, I enjoyed her writing style. It was simple and beautifully articulated and polished. It was a nice one-time read! The only thing that disappointed me was I had expected more from it.

Rating: 3.8/5

Reviewer: Shweta Kesari
