Title: The Winning You
Author: Sanket Pai
How long can you focus on an activity without getting distracted? With every ""ding"" on your computer or phone, are you tempted to look at the new email or text message?
My Views:
Rating: 3.8/5
Reviewer: Shweta Kesari
Author: Sanket Pai
How long can you focus on an activity without getting distracted? With every ""ding"" on your computer or phone, are you tempted to look at the new email or text message?
As a professional, a business person, a student or a stay-at-home parent, you always have a lot on your plate. Staying focused can be quite a challenge with all the distractions around. How can you survive this deluge of distractions and accomplish what you set out to do in your day?
Developing focus is a skill that can be learned. Bear in mind that an unrelenting focus is the only mantra to get going and get anything done. Think of The Winning You as your cheat sheet to mastering this skill.
The Winning You does not talk about getting rid of your gadgets. It does not talk about living a minimalist life. Rather, it includes simple and easy-to-grasp techniques that have been derived from the author's personal experiences and adaptations. These techniques have been tried and tested successfully over the years.
The book is replete with action-oriented ideas and tips that you can implement straight away. When followed diligently, these techniques are sure to help you master your focus.
My Views:
Most of the self-help books claimed to have the same old content. Nothing new and nothing original. But what makes it different from fictional books are, contents in these books don't stick to the readers' nerves that easily. Such content needed to be served, again and again, to get motivated and inspired. It is obvious that the way such contents are offered matters a lot, and that is what makes some self-help books are different from others and helps readers.These books don't serve something unique. They are full of old contents which each of us is aware of, but for some reason, we fail to apply them apply in real life. To keep on reminding us, self-help books come into the picture.
So, here comes another book in my shelve to remind me to work on the points that could make me do comparatively well in both personal as well as professional life.As the author himself stated in the very beginning, that this book is not an encyclopedia on the subject, rather a cheatsheet for personal transformation. I liked the fact that he declared it bluntly, rather than giving false hopes to the readers, hurting their expectations.This book is categorized into three sections. I liked how he clearly pointed out what required our attention at first.
Our author, Sanket is inspired by most of Robin Sharma's works. He quotes some of his lines and places his views and inputs on the same. This one's a quick read. He talks about planning and improvising on certain things, some of them worked well in my case. One thing I would like to mention about this book is; this is a quick guide to plan your success. A sleek book that outlines the roadmap to success in professional life. 'Focus' is the key point to achieve your goals, be in the professional or personal world. And Sanket focuses on this very point, to make his message delivered to the readers in the right and successful manner.
Rating: 3.8/5
Reviewer: Shweta Kesari
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